Nowadays most of home apparels made with various kind of embroidery.
For various kind of hate and Cap the embroidery is a must needed items.
Also we used embroidery machine for attached the sequence.
In export related garments the embroidery is very essential and also profitable business. Currently many garments factories has their own embroidery unit.
But most of embroidery factory run individually. Their capacity also very large.
Some years ago the most of embroidery machine was made by Tajima or Barudan. Tajima was used for light garment such as - T-shirt. And Barudan machines were used for Heavy items such as- Cap. Price of these machine was very high, till now their price very high in comparison of Others some china embroidery machine.
At present many china company is supplying various kind of Embroidery machine. Which is much cheapest than Tajima or Barudan.
Before bought a embroidery machine you should consider three things at first.
i) Number of heads
ii) Number of needles (based on this its depends that, how many color you can do)
iii) Embroidery Area. If you bought a embroidery machine with small area then you can't able to do embroidery work with large design or measurements.
Like as the print embroidery has also many type & quality. Mainly we classified this based on the stitch quality & stitching way. Such as
1) Satin or Jump Stitch
2) Tatami Stitch
3) Zig Zag Stitch
4) Motif Stitch ( In this regards please note that, you can only modify the stitch design of Motif stitch, which is not possible for others stitch. In others type stitched you can only change the stitch length & its density.
5) Sequence Embroidery.
6) Applique also a part of embroidery (Regarding applique various kind of stitch can be used in at a time.)
Embroidery Design
Like as print we also need to make the embroidery design at first. We called this process as embroidery digitize or punching. Normally, the designer make the design by using Wilcom software for making the design then we input the design in the embroidery machine by using floppy disk or pen drive.
How we calculate the price of embroidery?
If our followings embroidery is only stitch then we can calculate the price very easily. For calculating the price of embroidery we need to know the following information
1) Stitch quantity of the design. Say, it is 8000
2) Rate of per unit. (its may vary depends on the design, also avail ability of factory). Say, it is $0.25/unit
At first we will find out the unit per dozen. (Stitch qty X 12 / 12000)
= (Stitch quantity X 12 ) / 12000 X Rate per unit
= 8000 X 12 / 12000 X $0.25
= 96000 / 12000 X $0.25
= 8 X $0.25
= $2.00/dozen
However, if the embroidery design is with applique then you should calculate the dies making cost, also the applique cutting cost, also add 20% extra fabric with your fabric consumption of applique because in dies cutting the fabric wastage is very high. Though many embroidery factory will submit their embroidery rate with all these things. Regarding the sequence embroidery price please contact with embroidery factory.
For embroidery thread calculation you can read my this post. Click on the below link -
How do calculate the Embroidery thread consumption?
